Meridian should be called a workshop rather than a musical ensemble. Our activity is embedded in a less spectacular part of the musical world – since it complements the profile of our business enterprise, our civil living. Our music adds to the creation of different kinds of media publications, commercial spots and short films. The most determinative event of our musical career was our introductory album entitled Learn to Fly in December 2007. The video clip Butterfly was broadcasted on the Hungarian MTV channel. We recognised right at the beginning that a professional musical career, in an economical sense, doesn't hold much beans for us. The real pleasure for us is to create – when out of a few initial sounds something complete emerges. Visuality always played an important part in our lives. Our great dream was to compose soundtracks but over the years as time formed our style this desire diminished. The last projection of our sentiments and world view is the videoclip „Fény gyermeke” (Child of the Light) of 2018. This work, considering its musical and visual characteristics and message, seems to act as a guidance for us. Though our drawers are nearly overloaded with pieces that need to be elaborated and could fill several albums, the flow of our present life leaves little time for musical creativity. Our aim is to present a video clip from time to time. Our pieces are not simply musical, they want to offer you a journey.
If helping constellations support our will, more musical pieces will be presented to our audience in the future.
Thanks for your attention.
Lajos Bokány